- pydantic model llama_index.vector_stores.PGVectoRsStore#
Show JSON schema
{ "title": "PGVectoRsStore", "description": "Abstract vector store protocol.", "type": "object", "properties": { "stores_text": { "title": "Stores Text", "default": true, "type": "boolean" }, "is_embedding_query": { "title": "Is Embedding Query", "default": true, "type": "boolean" }, "class_name": { "title": "Class Name", "type": "string", "default": "PGVectoRsStore" } } }
- Config
schema_extra: function = <function BaseComponent.Config.schema_extra at 0x7ff1e41e53a0>
- Fields
- classmethod class_name() str #
Get the class name, used as a unique ID in serialization.
This provides a key that makes serialization robust against actual class name changes.
- delete(ref_doc_id: str, **delete_kwargs: Any) None #
Delete nodes using with ref_doc_id.
- query(query: VectorStoreQuery, **kwargs: Any) VectorStoreQueryResult #
Query vector store.
- property client: Any#
Get client.