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Azure OpenAI#

If you’re opening this Notebook on colab, you will probably need to install LlamaIndex 🦙.

%pip install llama-index-llms-azure-openai
!pip install llama-index


  1. Setup an Azure subscription - you can create one for free here

  2. Apply for access to Azure OpenAI Service here

  3. Create a resource in the Azure portal here

  4. Deploy a model in Azure OpenAI Studio here

You can find more details in this guide.

Note down the “model name” and “deployment name”, you’ll need it when connecting to your LLM.

Environment Setup#

Find your setup information - API base, API key, deployment name (i.e. engine), etc#

To find the setup information necessary, do the following setups:

  1. Go to the Azure OpenAI Studio here

  2. Go to the chat or completions playground (depending on which LLM you are setting up)

  3. Click “view code” (shown in image below)

from IPython.display import Image

  1. Note down the api_type, api_base, api_version, engine (this should be the same as the “deployment name” from before), and the key

from IPython.display import Image


Configure environment variables#

Using Azure deployment of OpenAI models is very similar to normal OpenAI. You just need to configure a couple more environment variables.

  • OPENAI_API_VERSION: set this to 2023-07-01-preview This may change in the future.

  • AZURE_OPENAI_ENDPOINT: your endpoint should look like the following

  • OPENAI_API_KEY: your API key

import os

os.environ["OPENAI_API_KEY"] = "<your-api-key>"
] = "https://<your-resource-name>"
os.environ["OPENAI_API_VERSION"] = "2023-07-01-preview"

Use your LLM#

from llama_index.llms.azure_openai import AzureOpenAI

Unlike normal OpenAI, you need to pass a engine argument in addition to model. The engine is the name of your model deployment you selected in Azure OpenAI Studio. See previous section on “find your setup information” for more details.

llm = AzureOpenAI(
    engine="simon-llm", model="gpt-35-turbo-16k", temperature=0.0

Alternatively, you can also skip setting environment variables, and pass the parameters in directly via constructor.

llm = AzureOpenAI(

Use the complete endpoint for text completion

response = llm.complete("The sky is a beautiful blue and")
the sun is shining brightly. Fluffy white clouds float lazily across the sky, creating a picturesque scene. The vibrant blue color of the sky brings a sense of calm and tranquility. It is a perfect day to be outside, enjoying the warmth of the sun and the gentle breeze. The sky seems to stretch endlessly, reminding us of the vastness and beauty of the world around us. It is a reminder to appreciate the simple pleasures in life and to take a moment to admire the natural wonders that surround us.
response = llm.stream_complete("The sky is a beautiful blue and")
for r in response:
    print(, end="")
the sun is shining brightly. Fluffy white clouds float lazily across the sky, creating a picturesque scene. The vibrant blue color of the sky brings a sense of calm and tranquility. It is a perfect day to be outside, enjoying the warmth of the sun and the gentle breeze. The sky seems to stretch endlessly, reminding us of the vastness and beauty of the world around us. It is a reminder to appreciate the simple pleasures in life and to take a moment to pause and admire the natural wonders that surround us.

Use the chat endpoint for conversation

from llama_index.core.llms import ChatMessage

messages = [
        role="system", content="You are a pirate with colorful personality."
    ChatMessage(role="user", content="Hello"),

response =
assistant: Ahoy there, matey! How be ye on this fine day? I be Captain Jolly Roger, the most colorful pirate ye ever did lay eyes on! What brings ye to me ship?
response = llm.stream_chat(messages)
for r in response:
    print(, end="")
Ahoy there, matey! How be ye on this fine day? I be Captain Jolly Roger, the most colorful pirate ye ever did lay eyes on! What brings ye to me ship?