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Debugging is essential to any application development, and Workflows provide you a number of ways to do that.


The simplest form of debugging is visualization, which we've already used extensively in this tutorial. You can visualize your workflow at any time by running the following code:

from llama_index.utils.workflow import draw_all_possible_flows

draw_all_possible_flows(MyWorkflow, filename="some_filename.html")

This will output an interactive visualization of your flow to some_filename.html that you can view in any browser.

A concurrent workflow

Verbose mode#

When running any workflow you can always pass verbose=True. This will output the name of each step as it's executed, and whether and which type of event it returns. Using the ConcurrentWorkflow from the previous stage of this tutorial:

class ConcurrentFlow(Workflow):
    async def start(
        self, ctx: Context, ev: StartEvent
    ) -> StepAEvent | StepBEvent | StepCEvent:
        ctx.send_event(StepAEvent(query="Query 1"))
        ctx.send_event(StepBEvent(query="Query 2"))
        ctx.send_event(StepCEvent(query="Query 3"))

    async def step_a(self, ctx: Context, ev: StepAEvent) -> StepACompleteEvent:
        print("Doing something A-ish")
        return StepACompleteEvent(result=ev.query)

    async def step_b(self, ctx: Context, ev: StepBEvent) -> StepBCompleteEvent:
        print("Doing something B-ish")
        return StepBCompleteEvent(result=ev.query)

    async def step_c(self, ctx: Context, ev: StepCEvent) -> StepCCompleteEvent:
        print("Doing something C-ish")
        return StepCCompleteEvent(result=ev.query)

    async def step_three(
        ctx: Context,
        ev: StepACompleteEvent | StepBCompleteEvent | StepCCompleteEvent,
    ) -> StopEvent:
        print("Received event ", ev.result)

        # wait until we receive 3 events
        if (
                [StepCCompleteEvent, StepACompleteEvent, StepBCompleteEvent],
            is None
            return None

        # do something with all 3 results together
        return StopEvent(result="Done")

You can run the workflow with verbose mode like this:

w = ConcurrentFlow(timeout=10, verbose=True)
result = await

And you'll see output like this:

Running step start
Step start produced no event
Running step step_a
Doing something A-ish
Step step_a produced event StepACompleteEvent
Running step step_b
Doing something B-ish
Step step_b produced event StepBCompleteEvent
Running step step_c
Doing something C-ish
Step step_c produced event StepCCompleteEvent
Running step step_three
Received event  Query 1
Step step_three produced no event
Running step step_three
Received event  Query 2
Step step_three produced no event
Running step step_three
Received event  Query 3
Step step_three produced event StopEvent

Stepwise execution#

In a notebook environment it can be helpful to run a workflow step by step. You can do this by calling run_step on the workflow object:

w = ConcurrentFlow(timeout=10, verbose=True)
await w.run_step()

You can call run_step multiple times to step through the workflow one step at a time.

Visualizing most recent execution#

If you're running a workflow step by step, or you have just executed a workflow with branching, you can get the visualizer to draw only exactly which steps just executed using draw_most_recent_execution:

from llama_index.utils.workflow import draw_most_recent_execution

draw_most_recent_execution(w, filename="last_execution.html")

Note that instead of passing the class name you are passing the instance of the workflow, w.

Third party tools#

You can also use any of the third-party tools for visualizing and debugging that we support, such as Arize.

Arize flow

One more thing#

Our last step in this tutorial is an alternative syntax for defining workflows using unbound functions instead of classes.