A Guide to Building a Full-Stack LlamaIndex Web App with Delphic#
This guide seeks to walk you through using LlamaIndex with a production-ready web app starter template called Delphic. All code examples here are available from the Delphic repo
What We're Building#
Here's a quick demo of the out-of-the-box functionality of Delphic:
Architectural Overview#
Delphic leverages the LlamaIndex python library to let users to create their own document collections they can then query in a responsive frontend.
We chose a stack that provides a responsive, robust mix of technologies that can (1) orchestrate complex python processing tasks while providing (2) a modern, responsive frontend and (3) a secure backend to build additional functionality upon.
The core libraries are:
- Django
- Django Channels
- Django Ninja
- Redis
- Celery
- LlamaIndex
- Langchain
- React
- Docker & Docker Compose
Thanks to this modern stack built on the super stable Django web framework, the starter Delphic app boasts a streamlined developer experience, built-in authentication and user management, asynchronous vector store processing, and web-socket-based query connections for a responsive UI. In addition, our frontend is built with TypeScript and is based on MUI React for a responsive and modern user interface.
System Requirements#
Celery doesn't work on Windows. It may be deployable with Windows Subsystem for Linux, but configuring that is beyond the scope of this tutorial. For this reason, we recommend you only follow this tutorial if you're running Linux or OSX. You will need Docker and Docker Compose installed to deploy the application. Local development will require node version manager (nvm).
Django Backend#
Project Directory Overview#
The Delphic application has a structured backend directory organization that follows common Django project conventions.
From the repo root, in the ./delphic
subfolder, the main folders are:
: This directory contains custom modifications or additions to Django's built-incontrib
: This directory contains the core functionality related to document indexing and LLM integration. It includes: -
: Django admin configuration for the app apps.py
: Application configurationmodels.py
: Contains the app's database modelsmigrations
: Directory containing database schema migrations for the appsignals.py
: Defines any signals for the app-
: Unit tests for the app -
: This directory contains tasks for asynchronous processing using Celery. Theindex_tasks.py
file includes the tasks for creating vector indexes. users
: This directory is dedicated to user management, including:utils
: This directory contains utility modules and functions that are used across the application, such as custom storage backends, path helpers, and collection-related utilities.
Database Models#
The Delphic application has two core models: Document
and Collection
. These models represent the central entities
the application deals with when indexing and querying documents using LLMs. They're defined in
: -
: A foreign key that links a collection to an API key. This helps associate jobs with the source API key. title
: A character field that provides a title for the collection.description
: A text field that provides a description of the collection.status
: A character field that stores the processing status of the collection, utilizing theCollectionStatus
: A datetime field that records when the collection was created.modified
: A datetime field that records the last modification time of the collection.model
: A file field that stores the model associated with the collection.-
: A boolean field that indicates if the collection is currently being processed. -
: -
: A foreign key that links a document to a collection. This represents the relationship between documents and collections. file
: A file field that stores the uploaded document file.description
: A text field that provides a description of the document.created
: A datetime field that records when the document was created.modified
: A datetime field that records the last modification time of the document.
These models provide a solid foundation for collections of documents and the indexes created from them with LlamaIndex.
Django Ninja API#
Django Ninja is a web framework for building APIs with Django and Python 3.7+ type hints. It provides a simple, intuitive, and expressive way of defining API endpoints, leveraging Python’s type hints to automatically generate input validation, serialization, and documentation.
In the Delphic repo,
the ./config/api/endpoints.py
file contains the API routes and logic for the API endpoints. Now, let’s briefly address the purpose of each endpoint
in the endpoints.py
: A simple GET endpoint to check if the API is up and running. ReturnsTrue
if the API is accessible. This is helpful for Kubernetes setups that expect to be able to query your container to ensure it's up and running. -
: A POST endpoint to create a newCollection
. Accepts form parameters such astitle
, and a list offiles
. Creates a newCollection
instances for each file, and schedules a Celery task to create an index.
async def create_collection(
title: str = Form(...),
description: str = Form(...),
files: list[UploadedFile] = File(...),
key = None if getattr(request, "auth", None) is None else request.auth
if key is not None:
key = await key
collection_instance = Collection(
await sync_to_async(collection_instance.save)()
for uploaded_file in files:
doc_data = uploaded_file.file.read()
doc_file = ContentFile(doc_data, uploaded_file.name)
document = Document(collection=collection_instance, file=doc_file)
await sync_to_async(document.save)()
return await sync_to_async(CollectionModelSchema)(...)
— a POST endpoint to query a document collection using the LLM. Accepts a JSON payload containingcollection_id
, and returns a response generated by querying the collection. We don't actually use this endpoint in our chat GUI (We use a websocket - see below), but you could build an app to integrate to this REST endpoint to query a specific collection.
summary="Ask a question of a document collection",
def query_collection_view(
request: HttpRequest, query_input: CollectionQueryInput
collection_id = query_input.collection_id
query_str = query_input.query_str
response = query_collection(collection_id, query_str)
return {"response": response}
: A GET endpoint that returns a list of all collections created with the user's API key. The output is serialized using theCollectionModelSchema
summary="Get a list of all of the collections created with my api_key",
async def get_my_collections_view(request: HttpRequest):
key = None if getattr(request, "auth", None) is None else request.auth
if key is not None:
key = await key
collections = Collection.objects.filter(api_key=key)
return [{...} async for collection in collections]
: A POST endpoint to add a file to an existing collection. Accepts acollection_id
path parameter, and form parameters such asfile
. Adds the file as aDocument
instance associated with the specified collection.
"/{collection_id}/add_file", summary="Add a file to a collection"
async def add_file_to_collection(
collection_id: int,
file: UploadedFile = File(...),
description: str = Form(...),
collection = await sync_to_async(Collection.objects.get)(id=collection_id)
Intro to Websockets#
WebSockets are a communication protocol that enables bidirectional and full-duplex communication between a client and a server over a single, long-lived connection. The WebSocket protocol is designed to work over the same ports as HTTP and HTTPS (ports 80 and 443, respectively) and uses a similar handshake process to establish a connection. Once the connection is established, data can be sent in both directions as “frames” without the need to reestablish the connection each time, unlike traditional HTTP requests.
There are several reasons to use WebSockets, particularly when working with code that takes a long time to load into memory but is quick to run once loaded:
- Performance: WebSockets eliminate the overhead associated with opening and closing multiple connections for each request, reducing latency.
- Efficiency: WebSockets allow for real-time communication without the need for polling, resulting in more efficient use of resources and better responsiveness.
- Scalability: WebSockets can handle a large number of simultaneous connections, making it ideal for applications that require high concurrency.
In the case of the Delphic application, using WebSockets makes sense as the LLMs can be expensive to load into memory. By establishing a WebSocket connection, the LLM can remain loaded in memory, allowing subsequent requests to be processed quickly without the need to reload the model each time.
The ASGI configuration file ./config/asgi.py
defines how
the application should handle incoming connections, using the Django Channels ProtocolTypeRouter
to route connections
based on their protocol type. In this case, we have two protocol types: "http" and "websocket".
The “http” protocol type uses the standard Django ASGI application to handle HTTP requests, while the “websocket”
protocol type uses a custom TokenAuthMiddleware
to authenticate WebSocket connections. The URLRouter
the TokenAuthMiddleware
defines a URL pattern for the CollectionQueryConsumer
, which is responsible for handling
WebSocket connections related to querying document collections.
application = ProtocolTypeRouter(
"http": get_asgi_application(),
"websocket": TokenAuthMiddleware(
This configuration allows clients to establish WebSocket connections with the Delphic application to efficiently query document collections using the LLMs, without the need to reload the models for each request.
Websocket Handler#
The CollectionQueryConsumer
in config/api/websockets/queries.py
responsible for handling WebSocket connections related to querying document collections. It inherits from
the AsyncWebsocketConsumer
class provided by Django Channels.
The CollectionQueryConsumer
class has three main methods:
: Called when a WebSocket is handshaking as part of the connection process.disconnect
: Called when a WebSocket closes for any reason.receive
: Called when the server receives a message from the WebSocket.
Websocket connect listener#
The connect
method is responsible for establishing the connection, extracting the collection ID from the connection
path, loading the collection model, and accepting the connection.
async def connect(self):
self.collection_id = extract_connection_id(self.scope["path"])
self.index = await load_collection_model(self.collection_id)
await self.accept()
except ValueError as e:
await self.accept()
await self.close(code=4000)
except Exception as e:
Websocket disconnect listener#
The disconnect
method is empty in this case, as there are no additional actions to be taken when the WebSocket is
Websocket receive listener#
The receive
method is responsible for processing incoming messages from the WebSocket. It takes the incoming message,
decodes it, and then queries the loaded collection model using the provided query. The response is then formatted as a
markdown string and sent back to the client over the WebSocket connection.
async def receive(self, text_data):
text_data_json = json.loads(text_data)
if self.index is not None:
query_str = text_data_json["query"]
modified_query_str = f"Please return a nicely formatted markdown string to this request:\n\n{query_str}"
query_engine = self.index.as_query_engine()
response = query_engine.query(modified_query_str)
markdown_response = f"## Response\n\n{response}\n\n"
if response.source_nodes:
markdown_sources = (
f"## Sources\n\n{response.get_formatted_sources()}"
markdown_sources = ""
formatted_response = f"{markdown_response}{markdown_sources}"
await self.send(json.dumps({"response": formatted_response}, indent=4))
await self.send(
{"error": "No index loaded for this connection."}, indent=4
To load the collection model, the load_collection_model
function is used, which can be found
in delphic/utils/collections.py
. This
function retrieves the collection object with the given collection ID, checks if a JSON file for the collection model
exists, and if not, creates one. Then, it sets up the LLM
and Settings
before loading
the VectorStoreIndex
using the cache file.
from llama_index.core import Settings
async def load_collection_model(collection_id: str | int) -> VectorStoreIndex:
Load the Collection model from cache or the database, and return the index.
collection_id (Union[str, int]): The ID of the Collection model instance.
VectorStoreIndex: The loaded index.
This function performs the following steps:
1. Retrieve the Collection object with the given collection_id.
2. Check if a JSON file with the name '/cache/model_{collection_id}.json' exists.
3. If the JSON file doesn't exist, load the JSON from the Collection.model FileField and save it to
4. Call VectorStoreIndex.load_from_disk with the cache_file_path.
# Retrieve the Collection object
collection = await Collection.objects.aget(id=collection_id)
logger.info(f"load_collection_model() - loaded collection {collection_id}")
# Make sure there's a model
if collection.model.name:
logger.info("load_collection_model() - Setup local json index file")
# Check if the JSON file exists
cache_dir = Path(settings.BASE_DIR) / "cache"
cache_file_path = cache_dir / f"model_{collection_id}.json"
if not cache_file_path.exists():
cache_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
with collection.model.open("rb") as model_file:
with cache_file_path.open(
"w+", encoding="utf-8"
) as cache_file:
# define LLM
f"load_collection_model() - Setup Settings with tokens {settings.MAX_TOKENS} and "
f"model {settings.MODEL_NAME}"
Settings.llm = OpenAI(
temperature=0, model="gpt-3.5-turbo", max_tokens=512
# Call VectorStoreIndex.load_from_disk
logger.info("load_collection_model() - Load llama index")
index = VectorStoreIndex.load_from_disk(
"load_collection_model() - Llamaindex loaded and ready for query..."
f"load_collection_model() - collection {collection_id} has no model!"
raise ValueError("No model exists for this collection!")
return index
React Frontend#
We chose to use TypeScript, React and Material-UI (MUI) for the Delphic project’s frontend for a couple reasons. First, as the most popular component library (MUI) for the most popular frontend framework (React), this choice makes this project accessible to a huge community of developers. Second, React is, at this point, a stable and generally well-liked framework that delivers valuable abstractions in the form of its virtual DOM while still being relatively stable and, in our opinion, pretty easy to learn, again making it accessible.
Frontend Project Structure#
The frontend can be found in the /frontend
directory of the
repo, with the React-related components being in /frontend/src
. You’ll notice there is a DockerFile in the frontend
directory and several folders and files related to configuring our frontend web
server — nginx.
The /frontend/src/App.tsx
file serves as the entry point of the application. It defines the main components, such as
the login form, the drawer layout, and the collection create modal. The main components are conditionally rendered based
on whether the user is logged in and has an authentication token.
The DrawerLayout2 component is defined in theDrawerLayour2.tsx
file. This component manages the layout of the
application and provides the navigation and main content areas.
Since the application is relatively simple, we can get away with not using a complex state management solution like Redux and just use React’s useState hooks.
Grabbing Collections from the Backend#
The collections available to the logged-in user are retrieved and displayed in the DrawerLayout2 component. The process can be broken down into the following steps:
- Initializing state variables:
const [collections, setCollections] = useState<CollectionModelSchema[]>([]);
const [loading, setLoading] = useState(true);
Here, we initialize two state variables: collections
to store the list of collections and loading
to track whether
the collections are being fetched.
- Collections are fetched for the logged-in user with the
fetchCollections = async () = > {
try {
const accessToken = localStorage.getItem("accessToken");
if (accessToken) {
const response = await getMyCollections(accessToken);
} catch (error) {
} finally {
The fetchCollections
function retrieves the collections for the logged-in user by calling the getMyCollections
function with the user's access token. It then updates the collections
state with the retrieved data and sets
the loading
state to false
to indicate that fetching is complete.
Displaying Collections#
The latest collectios are displayed in the drawer like this:
< List >
{collections.map((collection) = > (
< div key={collection.id} >
< ListItem disablePadding >
< ListItemButton
collection.status != = CollectionStatus.COMPLETE | |
onClick={() = > handleCollectionClick(collection)}
selected = {
selectedCollection & &
selectedCollection.id == = collection.id
< ListItemText
primary = {collection.title} / >
{collection.status == = CollectionStatus.RUNNING ? (
< CircularProgress
style={{position: "absolute", right: 16}}
/ >
): null}
< / ListItemButton >
< / ListItem >
< / div >
< / List >
You’ll notice that the disabled
property of a collection’s ListItemButton
is set based on whether the collection's
status is not CollectionStatus.COMPLETE
or the collection does not have a model (!collection.has_model
). If either
of these conditions is true, the button is disabled, preventing users from selecting an incomplete or model-less
collection. Where the CollectionStatus is RUNNING, we also show a loading wheel over the button.
In a separate useEffect
hook, we check if any collection in the collections
state has a status
of CollectionStatus.RUNNING
or CollectionStatus.QUEUED
. If so, we set up an interval to repeatedly call
the fetchCollections
function every 15 seconds (15,000 milliseconds) to update the collection statuses. This way, the
application periodically checks for completed collections, and the UI is updated accordingly when the processing is
useEffect(() = > {
interval: NodeJS.Timeout;
if (
(collection) = >
collection.status == = CollectionStatus.RUNNING | |
collection.status == = CollectionStatus.QUEUED
) {
interval = setInterval(() = > {
}, 15000);
return () = > clearInterval(interval);
}, [collections]);
Chat View Component#
The ChatView
component in frontend/src/chat/ChatView.tsx
is responsible for handling and displaying a chat interface
for a user to interact with a collection. The component establishes a WebSocket connection to communicate in real-time
with the server, sending and receiving messages.
Key features of the ChatView
component include:
- Establishing and managing the WebSocket connection with the server.
- Displaying messages from the user and the server in a chat-like format.
- Handling user input to send messages to the server.
- Updating the messages state and UI based on received messages from the server.
- Displaying connection status and errors, such as loading messages, connecting to the server, or encountering errors while loading a collection.
Together, all of this allows users to interact with their selected collection with a very smooth, low-latency experience.
Chat Websocket Client#
The WebSocket connection in the ChatView
component is used to establish real-time communication between the client and
the server. The WebSocket connection is set up and managed in the ChatView
component as follows:
First, we want to initialize the WebSocket reference:
const websocket = useRef
A websocket
reference is created using useRef
, which holds the WebSocket object that will be used for
communication. useRef
is a hook in React that allows you to create a mutable reference object that persists across
renders. It is particularly useful when you need to hold a reference to a mutable object, such as a WebSocket
connection, without causing unnecessary re-renders.
In the ChatView
component, the WebSocket connection needs to be established and maintained throughout the lifetime of
the component, and it should not trigger a re-render when the connection state changes. By using useRef
, you ensure
that the WebSocket connection is kept as a reference, and the component only re-renders when there are actual state
changes, such as updating messages or displaying errors.
The setupWebsocket
function is responsible for establishing the WebSocket connection and setting up event handlers to
handle different WebSocket events.
Overall, the setupWebsocket function looks like this:
const setupWebsocket = () => {
// Here, a new WebSocket object is created using the specified URL, which includes the
// selected collection's ID and the user's authentication token.
websocket.current = new WebSocket(
websocket.current.onopen = (event) => {
websocket.current.onmessage = (event) => {
websocket.current.onclose = (event) => {
websocket.current.onerror = (event) => {
return () => {
Notice in a bunch of places we trigger updates to the GUI based on the information from the web socket client.
When the component first opens and we try to establish a connection, the onopen
listener is triggered. In the
callback, the component updates the states to reflect that the connection is established, any previous errors are
cleared, and no messages are awaiting responses:
websocket.current.onopen = (event) => {
console.log("WebSocket connected:", event);
is triggered when a new message is received from the server through the WebSocket connection. In the
callback, the received data is parsed and the messages
state is updated with the new message from the server:
websocket.current.onmessage = (event) => {
const data = JSON.parse(event.data);
console.log("WebSocket message received:", data);
if (data.response) {
// Update the messages state with the new message from the server
setMessages((prevMessages) => [
sender_id: "server",
message: data.response,
timestamp: new Date().toLocaleTimeString(),
is triggered when the WebSocket connection is closed. In the callback, the component checks for a specific
close code (4000
) to display a warning toast and update the component states accordingly. It also logs the close
websocket.current.onclose = (event) => {
if (event.code === 4000) {
"Selected collection's model is unavailable. Was it created properly?",
console.log("WebSocket closed:", event);
Finally, onerror
is triggered when an error occurs with the WebSocket connection. In the callback, the component
updates the states to reflect the error and logs the error event:
websocket.current.onerror = (event) => {
console.error("WebSocket error:", event);
Rendering our Chat Messages#
In the ChatView
component, the layout is determined using CSS styling and Material-UI components. The main layout
consists of a container with a flex
display and a column-oriented flexDirection
. This ensures that the content
within the container is arranged vertically.
There are three primary sections within the layout:
- The chat messages area: This section takes up most of the available space and displays a list of messages exchanged
between the user and the server. It has an overflow-y set to ‘auto’, which allows scrolling when the content
overflows the available space. The messages are rendered using the
component for each message and aChatMessageLoading
component to show the loading state while waiting for a server response. - The divider: A Material-UI
component is used to separate the chat messages area from the input area, creating a clear visual distinction between the two sections. - The input area: This section is located at the bottom and allows the user to type and send messages. It contains
component from Material-UI, which is set to accept multiline input with a maximum of 2 rows. The input area also includes aButton
component to send the message. The user can either click the "Send" button or press " Enter" on their keyboard to send the message.
The user inputs accepted in the ChatView
component are text messages that the user types in the TextField
. The
component processes these text inputs and sends them to the server through the WebSocket connection.
To deploy the app, you're going to need Docker and Docker Compose installed. If you're on Ubuntu or another, common Linux distribution, DigitalOcean has a great Docker tutorial and another great tutorial for Docker Compose you can follow. If those don't work for you, try the official docker documentation.
Build and Deploy#
The project is based on django-cookiecutter, and it’s pretty easy to get it deployed on a VM and configured to serve HTTPs traffic for a specific domain. The configuration is somewhat involved, however — not because of this project, but it’s just a fairly involved topic to configure your certificates, DNS, etc.
For the purposes of this guide, let’s just get running locally. Perhaps we’ll release a guide on production deployment. In the meantime, check out the Django Cookiecutter project docs for starters.
This guide assumes your goal is to get the application up and running for use. If you want to develop, most likely you won’t want to launch the compose stack with the — profiles fullstack flag and will instead want to launch the react frontend using the node development server.
To deploy, first clone the repo:
git clone https://github.com/yourusername/delphic.git
Change into the project directory:
cd delphic
Copy the sample environment files:
mkdir -p ./.envs/.local/
cp -a ./docs/sample_envs/local/.frontend ./frontend
cp -a ./docs/sample_envs/local/.django ./.envs/.local
cp -a ./docs/sample_envs/local/.postgres ./.envs/.local
Edit the .django
and .postgres
configuration files to include your OpenAI API key and set a unique password for your
database user. You can also set the response token limit in the .django file or switch which OpenAI model you want to
use. GPT4 is supported, assuming you’re authorized to access it.
Build the docker compose stack with the --profiles fullstack
sudo docker-compose --profiles fullstack -f local.yml build
The fullstack flag instructs compose to build a docker container from the frontend folder and this will be launched along with all of the needed, backend containers. It takes a long time to build a production React container, however, so we don’t recommend you develop this way. Follow the instructions in the project readme.md for development environment setup instructions.
Finally, bring up the application:
sudo docker-compose -f local.yml up
Now, visit localhost:3000
in your browser to see the frontend, and use the Delphic application locally.
Using the Application#
Setup Users#
In order to actually use the application (at the moment, we intend to make it possible to share certain models with unauthenticated users), you need a login. You can use either a superuser or non-superuser. In either case, someone needs to first create a superuser using the console:
Why set up a Django superuser? A Django superuser has all the permissions in the application and can manage all aspects of the system, including creating, modifying, and deleting users, collections, and other data. Setting up a superuser allows you to fully control and manage the application.
How to create a Django superuser:
1 Run the following command to create a superuser:
sudo docker-compose -f local.yml run django python manage.py createsuperuser
2 You will be prompted to provide a username, email address, and password for the superuser. Enter the required information.
How to create additional users using Django admin:
- Start your Delphic application locally following the deployment instructions.
- Visit the Django admin interface by navigating to
in your browser. - Log in with the superuser credentials you created earlier.
- Click on “Users” under the “Authentication and Authorization” section.
- Click on the “Add user +” button in the top right corner.
- Enter the required information for the new user, such as username and password. Click “Save” to create the user.
- To grant the new user additional permissions or make them a superuser, click on their username in the user list, scroll down to the “Permissions” section, and configure their permissions accordingly. Save your changes.