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A Workflow in LlamaIndex is an event-driven abstraction used to chain together several events. Workflows are made up of steps, with each step responsible for handling certain event types and emitting new events.

Workflows in LlamaIndex work by decorating function with a @step decorator. This is used to infer the input and output types of each workflow for validation, and ensures each step only runs when an accepted event is ready.

You can create a Workflow to do anything! Build an agent, a RAG flow, an extraction flow, or anything else you want.

Workflows are also automatically instrumented, so you get observability into each step using tools like Arize Pheonix. (NOTE: Observability works for integrations that take advantage of the newer instrumentation system. Usage may vary.)


Workflows make async a first-class citizen, and this page assumes you are running in an async environment. What this means for you is setting up your code for async properly. If you are already running in a server like FastAPI, or in a notebook, you can freely use await already!

If you are running your own python scripts, its best practice to have a single async entry point.

async def main():
    w = MyWorkflow(...)
    result = await

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import asyncio

Getting Started#

As an illustrative example, let's consider a naive workflow where a joke is generated and then critiqued.

from llama_index.core.workflow import (

# `pip install llama-index-llms-openai` if you don't already have it
from llama_index.llms.openai import OpenAI

class JokeEvent(Event):
    joke: str

class JokeFlow(Workflow):
    llm = OpenAI()

    async def generate_joke(self, ev: StartEvent) -> JokeEvent:
        topic = ev.topic

        prompt = f"Write your best joke about {topic}."
        response = await self.llm.acomplete(prompt)
        return JokeEvent(joke=str(response))

    async def critique_joke(self, ev: JokeEvent) -> StopEvent:
        joke = ev.joke

        prompt = f"Give a thorough analysis and critique of the following joke: {joke}"
        response = await self.llm.acomplete(prompt)
        return StopEvent(result=str(response))

w = JokeFlow(timeout=60, verbose=False)
result = await"pirates")

There's a few moving pieces here, so let's go through this piece by piece.

Defining Workflow Events#

class JokeEvent(Event):
    joke: str

Events are user-defined pydantic objects. You control the attributes and any other auxiliary methods. In this case, our workflow relies on a single user-defined event, the JokeEvent.

Setting up the Workflow Class#

class JokeFlow(Workflow):
    llm = OpenAI(model="gpt-4o-mini")

Our workflow is implemented by subclassing the Workflow class. For simplicity, we attached a static OpenAI llm instance.

Workflow Entry Points#

class JokeFlow(Workflow):

    async def generate_joke(self, ev: StartEvent) -> JokeEvent:
        topic = ev.topic

        prompt = f"Write your best joke about {topic}."
        response = await self.llm.acomplete(prompt)
        return JokeEvent(joke=str(response))


Here, we come to the entry-point of our workflow. While most events are use-defined, there are two special-case events, the StartEvent and the StopEvent that the framework provides out of the box. Here, the StartEvent signifies where to send the initial workflow input.

The StartEvent is a bit of a special object since it can hold arbitrary attributes. Here, we accessed the topic with ev.topic, which would raise an error if it wasn't there. You could also do ev.get("topic") to handle the case where the attribute might not be there without raising an error.

At this point, you may have noticed that we haven't explicitly told the workflow what events are handled by which steps. Instead, the @step decorator is used to infer the input and output types of each step. Furthermore, these inferred input and output types are also used to verify for you that the workflow is valid before running!

Workflow Exit Points#

class JokeFlow(Workflow):

    async def critique_joke(self, ev: JokeEvent) -> StopEvent:
        joke = ev.joke

        prompt = f"Give a thorough analysis and critique of the following joke: {joke}"
        response = await self.llm.acomplete(prompt)
        return StopEvent(result=str(response))


Here, we have our second, and last step, in the workflow. We know its the last step because the special StopEvent is returned. When the workflow encounters a returned StopEvent, it immediately stops the workflow and returns whatever we passed in the result parameter.

In this case, the result is a string, but it could be a dictionary, list, or any other object.

Running the Workflow#

w = JokeFlow(timeout=60, verbose=False)
result = await"pirates")

Lastly, we create and run the workflow. There are some settings like timeouts (in seconds) and verbosity to help with debugging.

The .run() method is async, so we use await here to wait for the result. The keyword arguments passed to run() will become fields of the special StartEvent that will be automatically emitted and start the workflow. As we have seen, in this case topic will be accessed from the step with ev.topic.

Customizing entry and exit points#

Most of the times, relying on the default entry and exit points we have seen in the [Getting Started] section is enough. However, workflows support custom events where you normally would expect StartEvent and StopEvent, let's see how.

Using a custom StartEvent#

When we call the run() method on a workflow instance, the keyword arguments passed become fields of a StartEvent instance that's automatically created under the hood. In case we want to pass complex data to start a workflow, this approach might become cumbersome, and it's when we can introduce a custom start event.

To be able to use a custom start event, the first step is creating a custom class that inherits from StartEvent:

from pathlib import Path

from llama_index.core.workflow import StartEvent
from llama_index.indices.managed.llama_cloud import LlamaCloudIndex
from llama_index.llms.openai import OpenAI

class MyCustomStartEvent(StartEvent):
    a_string_field: str
    a_path_to_somewhere: Path
    an_index: LlamaCloudIndex
    an_llm: OpenAI

All we have to do now is using MyCustomStartEvent as event type in the steps that act as entry points. Take this artificially complex step for example:

class JokeFlow(Workflow):

    async def generate_joke_from_index(
        self, ev: MyCustomStartEvent
    ) -> JokeEvent:
        # Build a query engine using the index and the llm from the start event
        query_engine = ev.an_index.as_query_engine(llm=ev.an_llm)
        topic = query_engine.query(
            f"What is the closest topic to {a_string_field}"
        # Use the llm attached to the start event to instruct the model
        prompt = f"Write your best joke about {topic}."
        response = await ev.an_llm.acomplete(prompt)
        # Dump the response on disk using the Path object from the event
        # Finally, pass the JokeEvent along
        return JokeEvent(joke=str(response))

We could still pass the fields of MyCustomStartEvent as keyword arguments to the run method of our workflow, but that would be, again, cumbersome. A better approach is to use pass the event instance through the start_event keyword argument like this:

custom_start_event = MyCustomStartEvent(...)
w = JokeFlow(timeout=60, verbose=False)
result = await

This approach makes the code cleaner and more explicit and allows autocompletion in IDEs to work properly.

Using a custom StopEvent#

Similarly to StartEvent, relying on the built-in StopEvent works most of the times but not always. In fact, when we use StopEvent, the result of a workflow must be set to the result field of the event instance. Since a result can be any Python object, the result field of StopEvent is typed as Any, losing any advantage from the typing system. Additionally, returning more than one object is cumbersome: we usually stuff a bunch of unrelated objects into a dictionary that we then assign to StopEvent.result.

First step to support custom stop events, we need to create a subclass of StopEvent:

from llama_index.core.workflow import StopEvent

class MyStopEvent(StopEvent):
    critique: CompletionResponse

We can now replace StopEvent with MyStopEvent in our workflow:

class JokeFlow(Workflow):

    async def critique_joke(self, ev: JokeEvent) -> MyStopEvent:
        joke = ev.joke

        prompt = f"Give a thorough analysis and critique of the following joke: {joke}"
        response = await self.llm.acomplete(prompt)
        return MyStopEvent(response)


The one important thing we need to remember when using a custom stop events, is that the result of a workflow run will be the instance of the event:

w = JokeFlow(timeout=60, verbose=False)
# Warning! `result` now contains an instance of MyStopEvent!
result = await"pirates")
# We can now access the event fields as any normal Event

This approach takes advantage of the Python typing system, is friendly to autocompletion in IDEs and allows introspection from outer applications that now know exactly what a workflow run will return.

Drawing the Workflow#

Workflows can be visualized, using the power of type annotations in your step definitions. You can either draw all possible paths through the workflow, or the most recent execution, to help with debugging.

First install:

pip install llama-index-utils-workflow

Then import and use:

from llama_index.utils.workflow import (

# Draw all
draw_all_possible_flows(JokeFlow, filename="joke_flow_all.html")

# Draw an execution
w = JokeFlow()
draw_most_recent_execution(w, filename="joke_flow_recent.html")

Working with Global Context/State#

Optionally, you can choose to use global context between steps. For example, maybe multiple steps access the original query input from the user. You can store this in global context so that every step has access.

from llama_index.core.workflow import Context

async def query(self, ctx: Context, ev: MyEvent) -> StopEvent:
    # retrieve from context
    query = await ctx.get("query")

    # do something with context and event
    val = ...
    result = ...

    # store in context
    await ctx.set("key", val)

    return StopEvent(result=result)

Waiting for Multiple Events#

The context does more than just hold data, it also provides utilities to buffer and wait for multiple events.

For example, you might have a step that waits for a query and retrieved nodes before synthesizing a response:

from llama_index.core import get_response_synthesizer

async def synthesize(
    self, ctx: Context, ev: QueryEvent | RetrieveEvent
) -> StopEvent | None:
    data = ctx.collect_events(ev, [QueryEvent, RetrieveEvent])
    # check if we can run
    if data is None:
        return None

    # unpack -- data is returned in order
    query_event, retrieve_event = data

    # run response synthesis
    synthesizer = get_response_synthesizer()
    response = synthesizer.synthesize(
        query_event.query, nodes=retrieve_event.nodes

    return StopEvent(result=response)

Using ctx.collect_events() we can buffer and wait for ALL expected events to arrive. This function will only return data (in the requested order) once all events have arrived.

Manually Triggering Events#

Normally, events are triggered by returning another event during a step. However, events can also be manually dispatched using the ctx.send_event(event) method within a workflow.

Here is a short toy example showing how this would be used:

from llama_index.core.workflow import step, Context, Event, Workflow

class MyEvent(Event):

class MyEventResult(Event):
    result: str

class GatherEvent(Event):

class MyWorkflow(Workflow):
    async def dispatch_step(
        self, ctx: Context, ev: StartEvent
    ) -> MyEvent | GatherEvent:

        return GatherEvent()

    async def handle_my_event(self, ev: MyEvent) -> MyEventResult:
        return MyEventResult(result="result")

    async def gather(
        self, ctx: Context, ev: GatherEvent | MyEventResult
    ) -> StopEvent | None:
        # wait for events to finish
        events = ctx.collect_events(ev, [MyEventResult, MyEventResult])
        if not events:
            return None

        return StopEvent(result=events)

Streaming Events#

You can also iterate over events as they come in. This is useful for streaming purposes, showing progress, or for debugging. The handler object will emit events that are explicitly written to the stream using ctx.write_event_to_stream():

class ProgressEvent(Event):
    msg: str

class MyWorkflow(Workflow):
    async def step_one(self, ctx: Context, ev: StartEvent) -> FirstEvent:
        ctx.write_event_to_stream(ProgressEvent(msg="Step one is happening"))
        return FirstEvent(first_output="First step complete.")

You can then pick up the events like this:

w = MyWorkflow(...)

handler ="Pirates")

async for event in handler.stream_events():

result = await handler

Retry steps execution in case of failures#

A step that fails its execution might result in the failure of the entire workflow, but oftentimes errors are expected and the execution can be safely retried. Think of a HTTP request that times out because of a transient congestion of the network, or an external API call that hits a rate limiter.

For all those situation where you want the step to try again, you can use a "Retry Policy". A retry policy is an object that instructs the workflow to execute a step multiple times, dictating how much time has to pass before a new attempt. Policies take into consideration how much time passed since the first failure, how many consecutive failures happened and which was the last error occurred.

To set a policy for a specific step, all you have to do is passing a policy object to the @step decorator:

from llama_index.core.workflow.retry_policy import ConstantDelayRetryPolicy

class MyWorkflow(Workflow):
    # ...more workflow definition...

    # This policy will retry this step on failure every 5 seconds for at most 10 times
    @step(retry_policy=ConstantDelayRetryPolicy(delay=5, maximum_attempts=10))
    async def flaky_step(self, ctx: Context, ev: StartEvent) -> StopEvent:
        result = flaky_call()  # this might raise
        return StopEvent(result=result)

You can see the API docs for a detailed description of the policies available in the framework. If you can't find a policy that's suitable for your use case, you can easily write a custom one. The only requirement for custom policies is to write a Python class that respects the RetryPolicy protocol. In other words, your custom policy class must have a method with the following signature:

def next(
    self, elapsed_time: float, attempts: int, error: Exception
) -> Optional[float]:

For example, this is a retry policy that's excited about the weekend and only retries a step if it's Friday:

from datetime import datetime

class RetryOnFridayPolicy:
    def next(
        self, elapsed_time: float, attempts: int, error: Exception
    ) -> Optional[float]:
        if"%A") == "Friday":
            # retry in 5 seconds
            return 5
        # tell the workflow we don't want to retry
        return None


Since workflows are so flexible, there are many possible ways to implement human-in-the-loop patterns.

The easiest way to implement a human-in-the-loop is to use the InputRequiredEvent and HumanResponseEvent events during event streaming.

from llama_index.core.workflow import InputRequiredEvent, HumanResponseEvent

class HumanInTheLoopWorkflow(Workflow):
    async def step1(self, ev: StartEvent) -> InputRequiredEvent:
        return InputRequiredEvent(prefix="Enter a number: ")

    async def step2(self, ev: HumanResponseEvent) -> StopEvent:
        return StopEvent(result=ev.response)

# workflow should work with streaming
workflow = HumanInTheLoopWorkflow()

handler =
async for event in handler.stream_events():
    if isinstance(event, InputRequiredEvent):
        # here, we can handle human input however you want
        # this means using input(), websockets, accessing async state, etc.
        # here, we just use input()
        response = input(event.prefix)

final_result = await handler

Here, the workflow will wait until the HumanResponseEvent is emitted.

Also note that you can break out of the loop, and resume it later. This is useful if you want to pause the workflow to wait for a human response, but continue the workflow later.

handler =
async for event in handler.stream_events():
    if isinstance(event, InputRequiredEvent):

# now we handle the human response
response = input(event.prefix)

# now we resume the workflow streaming
async for event in handler.stream_events():

final_result = await handler

Stepwise Execution#

Workflows have built-in utilities for stepwise execution, allowing you to control execution and debug state as things progress.

# Create a workflow, same as usual
workflow = JokeFlow()
# Get the handler. Passing `stepwise=True` will block execution, waiting for manual intervention
handler =
# Each time we call `run_step`, the workflow will advance and return all the events
# that were produced in the last step. This events need to be manually propagated
# for the workflow to keep going (we assign them to `produced_events` with the := operator).
while produced_events := await handler.run_step():
    # If we're here, it means there's at least an event we need to propagate,
    # let's do it with `send_event`
    for ev in produced_events:

# If we're here, it means the workflow execution completed, and
# we can now access the final result.
result = await handler

Decorating non-class Functions#

You can also decorate and attach steps to a workflow without subclassing it.

Below is the JokeFlow from earlier, but defined without subclassing.

from llama_index.core.workflow import (
from llama_index.llms.openai import OpenAI

class JokeEvent(Event):
    joke: str

joke_flow = Workflow(timeout=60, verbose=True)

async def generate_joke(ev: StartEvent) -> JokeEvent:
    topic = ev.topic

    prompt = f"Write your best joke about {topic}."

    llm = OpenAI()
    response = await llm.acomplete(prompt)
    return JokeEvent(joke=str(response))

async def critique_joke(ev: JokeEvent) -> StopEvent:
    joke = ev.joke

    prompt = (
        f"Give a thorough analysis and critique of the following joke: {joke}"
    response = await llm.acomplete(prompt)
    return StopEvent(result=str(response))

Maintaining Context Across Runs#

As you have seen, workflows have a Context object that can be used to maintain state across steps.

If you want to maintain state across multiple runs of a workflow, you can pass a previous context into the .run() method.

handler =
result = await handler

# continue with next run
handler =
result = await handler

Checkpointing Workflows#

Workflow runs can also be made to create and store checkpoints upon every step completion via the WorfklowCheckpointer object. These checkpoints can be then be used as the starting points for future runs, which can be a helpful feature during the development (and debugging) of your Workflow.

from llama_index.core.workflow import WorkflowCheckpointer

w = JokeFlow(...)
w_cptr = WorkflowCheckpointer(workflow=w)

# to checkpoint a run, use the `run` method from w_cptr
handler ="Pirates")
await handler

# to view the stored checkpoints of this run

# to run from one of the checkpoints, use `run_from` method
ckpt = w_cptr.checkpoints[handler.run_id][0]
handler = w_cptr.run_from(topic="Ships", checkpoint=ckpt)
await handler

Deploying a Workflow#

You can deploy a workflow as a multi-agent service with llama_deploy (repo). Each agent service is orchestrated via a control plane and communicates via a message queue. Deploy locally or on Kubernetes.


To help you become more familiar with the workflow concept and its features, LlamaIndex documentation offers example notebooks that you can run for hands-on learning:

  • Common Workflow Patterns walks you through common usage patterns like looping and state management using simple workflows. It's usually a great place to start.
  • RAG + Reranking shows how to implement a real-world use case with a fairly simple workflow that performs both ingestion and querying.
  • Citation Query Engine similar to RAG + Reranking, the notebook focuses on how to implement intermediate steps in between retrieval and generation. A good example of how to use the Context object in a workflow.
  • Corrective RAG adds some more complexity on top of a RAG workflow, showcasing how to query a web search engine after an evaluation step.
  • Utilizing Concurrency explains how to manage the parallel execution of steps in a workflow, something that's important to know as your workflows grow in complexity.

RAG applications are easy to understand and offer a great opportunity to learn the basics of workflows. However, more complex agentic scenarios involving tool calling, memory, and routing are where workflows excel.

The examples below highlight some of these use-cases.

  • ReAct Agent is obviously the perfect example to show how to implement tools in a workflow.
  • Function Calling Agent is a great example of how to use the LlamaIndex framework primitives in a workflow, keeping it small and tidy even in complex scenarios like function calling.
  • Human In The Loop: Story Crafting is a powerful example showing how workflow runs can be interactive and stateful. In this case, to collect input from a human.
  • Reliable Structured Generation shows how to implement loops in a workflow, in this case to improve structured output through reflection.
  • Query Planning with Workflows is an example of a workflow that plans a query by breaking it down into smaller items, and executing those smaller items. It highlights how to stream events from a workflow, execute steps in parallel, and looping until a condition is met.
  • Checkpointing Workflows is a more exhaustive demonstration of how to make full use of WorkflowCheckpointer to checkpoint Workflow runs.

Last but not least, a few more advanced use cases that demonstrate how workflows can be extremely handy if you need to quickly implement prototypes, for example from literature: