To instantiate the OpenRouter class, you will need to provide an API key. You can set the API key either as an environment variable OPENROUTER_API_KEY or directly in the class
constructor. If setting it in the class constructor, it would look like this:
If you haven't signed up for an API key yet, you can do so on the OpenRouter website at ( Once you have your API key, you can use the OpenRouter class to interact
with the LLM for tasks like chatting, streaming, and completing prompts.
classOpenRouter(OpenAILike):"""OpenRouter LLM. To instantiate the `OpenRouter` class, you will need to provide an API key. You can set the API key either as an environment variable `OPENROUTER_API_KEY` or directly in the class constructor. If setting it in the class constructor, it would look like this: If you haven't signed up for an API key yet, you can do so on the OpenRouter website at ( Once you have your API key, you can use the `OpenRouter` class to interact with the LLM for tasks like chatting, streaming, and completing prompts. Examples: `pip install llama-index-llms-openrouter` ```python from llama_index.llms.openrouter import OpenRouter llm = OpenRouter( api_key="<your-api-key>", max_tokens=256, context_window=4096, model="gryphe/mythomax-l2-13b", ) response = llm.complete("Hello World!") print(str(response)) ``` """model:str=Field(description="The OpenRouter model to use. See for options.")context_window:int=Field(default=DEFAULT_CONTEXT_WINDOW,description="The maximum number of context tokens for the model. See for options.",gt=0,)is_chat_model:bool=Field(default=True,description=LLMMetadata.model_fields["is_chat_model"].description,)def__init__(self,model:str=DEFAULT_MODEL,temperature:float=DEFAULT_TEMPERATURE,max_tokens:int=DEFAULT_NUM_OUTPUTS,additional_kwargs:Optional[Dict[str,Any]]=None,max_retries:int=5,api_base:Optional[str]=DEFAULT_API_BASE,api_key:Optional[str]=None,**kwargs:Any,)->None:additional_kwargs=additional_kwargsor{}api_base=get_from_param_or_env("api_base",api_base,"OPENROUTER_API_BASE")api_key=get_from_param_or_env("api_key",api_key,"OPENROUTER_API_KEY")super().__init__(model=model,temperature=temperature,max_tokens=max_tokens,api_base=api_base,api_key=api_key,additional_kwargs=additional_kwargs,max_retries=max_retries,**kwargs,)@classmethoddefclass_name(cls)->str:return"OpenRouter_LLM"